Dr. Tom Coleman (Entomologist & Slow the Spread Program Manager – US Forest Service) will discuss spongy moth biology, management techniques, and give an update on its current range in the U.S.
Spongy moth, Lymantria dispar, (formerly the gypsy moth), is a defoliator that can feed on over 300 plant species, making it a significant threat to U.S. forests. Originating from France, its spongy appearing egg masses can be laid on most any surface making this pest easy to move unknowingly to new areas. Although it was originally brought to the U.S. in the late 1800’s with the hopes of creating a silk industry, its escape has since led to millions of acres of forest and urban areas being defoliated. Defoliated trees are more susceptible to disease and mortality. In this webinar, Dr. Tom Coleman will give an update on spongy moth in the U.S. and discuss ways that you can help stop the spread.