Yellow Poplar
Liriodendron tulipifer (N.C. State University Extension)
The tulip poplar is a native large deciduous tree that may grow 90 to 120 feet tall and takes its name from its greenish-yellow heartwood and attractive tulip-like flowers. The tree has alternate, palmately veined, 4-lobed leaves with a smooth margin.
Plant Fact Sheet Yellow Poplar Liriodendron tulipifer (USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service)
Tulip poplar actually is not a poplar, but a member of the magnolia family. The leaves are tulip-shaped, alternate, and simple.
Yellow Poplar (Virginia Tech Dendrology)
Learn to identify yellow poplar by its leaf, flower, fruit, twig, bark and form.
Yellow Poplar (Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)
Yellow poplar grows best in deep, rich, moist soil; found in bottomlands and rocky mountain slopes. Yellow Poplar ranges from Massachusetts to southern Michigan, south to northern Florida and Louisiana. The wood is used commercially for furniture, musical instruments, and interior finishes.
Liriodendron tulipifer (University of Florida Extension)
The tuliptree grows 80 to 100 feet tall and maintains a fairly narrow oval crown, even as it grows older. Trunks become massive in old age, becoming deeply furrowed with thick bark.
Yellow Poplar (USDA Forest Service)
Yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), also called tuliptree, tulip-poplar, white-poplar and whitewood, is one of the most attractive and tallest of eastern hardwoods. It is fast growing and may reach 300 years of age on deep, rich, well-drained soils of forest coves and lower mountain slopes.