Acadian flycatcher
Acadian flycatcher (Birds of North Carolina: their Distribution and Abundance)
This species is heard from many bridges that cross forested creeks across the state. Walking along a road that bisects a floodplain usually reveals the species back into the forest. Birds can be somewhat difficult to spot, and even though they perch on exposed twigs (looking for prey) in the understory, they move very little and often do not come in to tapes that are played.
Acadian flycatcher (
Acadian Flycatchers use relatively undisturbed mature forest both on their breeding and wintering grounds. They often use riparian habitats, such as streams, wooded ravines, and river bottoms. They are sensitive to forest fragmentation and are more likely to occur in larger woodlots. Acadian Flycatchers eat mostly insects and insect larvae, which they usually take from the undersides of leaves during short sallies from an open perch in the middle levels of the forest.