This is our regularly scheduled fly-tying program that takes place on the 4th Thursday of each month. The Fly-tying Forum provides tyers with an opportunity to increase their skills. Open to fly-tiers of all skill levels, the fly patterns change each month as a way to encourage learning various new tying techniques and development of tying skills. In February we will tie two early season Mayflies. We are going to tie the Quill Gordon in a dry fly and a wet fly to add some versatility so you will able to target fish who are feeding on the surface and subsurface.
Tyers aged 10 years old and up are welcome, however participants 15 years old and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Intended to be an extension of our Beginning Fly-tying Course, we provide each tyer with a handout for each pattern that includes the materials list and tying instructions. These instructional guides may be added to the fly-tying hand book that beginning students received in the Beginning Fly-tying course.
Participants are encouraged to use their own equipment, however, equipment and materials may be provided upon request. There of the limited availability of tying equipment. Preregistration is required.