Forest Landowner Conference

Learn about the role of conservation practices in forestry and agriculture to address the challenges of climate change.

N.C. Forestry and the Global Economy: Webinar

NCFA invites you to a conversation about North Carolina forestry and the global economy. Learn about forest exports, marketing forest products and North Carolina's national ranking, export challenges and the...

An Environmental History of the American Chestnut

Before 1910, the American chestnut was one of the most common trees in the eastern United States. The natural distribution of the American chestnut extended across more than 400,000 square...

Fall Cankerworm in the Southeastern U.S.

This webinar will provide a general overview of identification, impact and management strategies for fall cankerworm in the Southeastern United States.

Creating Wildlife Habitat with Native Plants

In this webinar, N.C. Cooperative Extension Agriculture Agent Debbie Roos will discuss guidelines for landscaping with native plants and highlight some favorite trees, shrubs, perennials, vines and grasses that benefit...


Venus Flytrap Champions: Virtual Lunchbox Talk

Much of North Carolina’s Venus flytrap territory is privately owned. Debbie Crane of The Nature Conservancy will describe the Venus Flytrap Champions, a program that works to help private landowners...

Mosquitoes and Wildlife Tracks and Scats

Webinar participants will learn about the biology and management of mosquitoes and the how-tos of identifying wildlife signs.
