Will a Conservation Easement Protect My Land?
This is the second in a series of webinars offered by South Carolina Women Owning Woodlands. Contact Janet Steele at 803-516-4209 or jmwatt@clemson.edu
This is the second in a series of webinars offered by South Carolina Women Owning Woodlands. Contact Janet Steele at 803-516-4209 or jmwatt@clemson.edu
Bobwhite quail are a species of conservation concern that are dependent on frequent prescribed fire in the southeastern U.S. This presentation will describe basic bobwhite life history characteristics and how...
Registration is not yet open for this event, check back soon. Join the Sandhills Prescribed Burn Association and ForestHer NC for an opportunity learn about burning in the Sandhills region of North...
Want to catch the buzz about pollinators? In this introduction we’ll go well beyond honeybees to learn the astonishing diversity of native pollinators and the vital roles they play in...
Participants who remove their Bradford Pear Trees can receive a free, native replacement tree. One tree given for each tree removed, up to 5. Before and after pictures of the...
Join a park ranger at the Flytrap Trail for a hike along the trails. We will discuss the different types of carnivorous plants we have at the park, including the...
Blue Ridge PRISM is pleased to host Dr. David Coyle who will talk about Callery pear. Dr. Coyle is an Assistant Professor of Forest Health and Invasive Species with Clemson...
Learn about some of the invasive plants that we are trying to manage in the park and how they can cause damage to the native plants. Meet at the visitor...
We will be learning the basics of canoeing and then trying out our new skills by maneuvering through the Cypress swamp. This is a slow and calm canoeing experience and...
This is the third in a series of webinars offered by South Carolina Women Owning Woodlands. Contact Janet Steele at 803-516-4209 or jmwatt@clemson.edu for more information.