Mid-Atlantic Logging and Biomass Expo
Preston and Susan Floyd's Tree Farm 19 Beechtree Trail Kittrell, Vance County, N.C. Meet and visit with other woodland owners who are passionate forest stewards. Share stories about your Tree Farm and learn from the experiences of other Tree Farmers. Tour the Floyds' Tree Farm and learn about Fertilization and herbicides Hunting leases Pond management...
The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, along with N.C. Cooperative Extension and USDA Wildlife Services, invites the public to attend our free coyote conflict management workshops offered across the state. Join us and hear from biologists about: Coyote biology and behavior Practical, non-lethal methods to prevent/reduce coyote conflicts Laws and regulations regarding hunting and trapping coyotes...
What: This one-day event will focus on the future of carbon offsets and markets in the Southeastern United States, with a goal of disseminating information and facilitating a discussion on the various obstacles facing carbon offset projects in the region. Who: Forest landowners, industry, forest professionals, carbon offset project professionals, developers, land trusts, investors and...
Join us for a tour of the Sandhills Game Lands and get a close-up look at longleaf restoration. The Game Lands Longleaf pine forest has examples of spectacular old growth trees, natural regeneration, & native wire grass groundcover. All are the result of many years of prescribed fire! The tour will be led by forest...
The N.C. Tree Farm Program is partnering with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission and N.C. Cooperative Extension to explore ways of integrating wildlife habitat into Tree Farmers' land management goals and objectives. We will celebrate the accomplishments of Tree Farmers and volunteers as we recognize Tree Farm anniversaries, the 2017 Inspector of the Year and...
The effective application of Prescribed Fire is accomplished through a mix of science and experience. Blending these aspects by forestry burners is an involved endeavor. This two-day training includes classroom presentations and a field trip. Day one is spent in the classroom and covers such topics as NC Prescribed Burn Act, Weather, Fuels, Topography, Fire...