Latest Past Events

Webinar: An Overview of Bottomland Hardwood Forests

This presentation will define bottomland forests, discuss their function and silvicultural challenges, address which species to favor and outline some forest management practices that landowners can implement.

Webinar: Stop the Spread: Essential Campaigns for Preventing Invasive Species

Join us for an informative webinar featuring a panel of experts presenting key invasive species education campaigns. This webinar will cover four critical initiatives designed to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species across various ecosystems. Don’t Let It Loose: Learn about responsible pet ownership and why it’s important to prevent the release of...

Forest Farming: Crop Selection – Economics and Marketing (Webinar)

Penn State experts will explore forest farming, valuable non-timber forest products, market trends and the latest research benefiting landowners, foragers and related professionals. The agroforestry practice of forest farming is the production of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) in forests to produce edible and medicinal crops for personal use and/or income. In this session, you will...