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Tree Identification in Winter

January 16, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Correct identification is a critical first step in making management decisions for any plant in the landscape or garden. Identification of tree species is of particular interest for landowners managing woodlands for wildlife or timber, for farmers with livestock browsing near potentially toxic species, and for naturalists seeking to enhance their familiarity with native trees. Many may be deterred by the esoteric terminology and specialized features used for tree identification. Fortunately, most woody plants can be readily distinguished by twig, bud, and bark characteristics, making winter a great time of year to learn the identity of trees and understory shrubs on your property. Join Matt Jones (Extension Horticulture Agent) and the Master Gardener℠ volunteers of Chatham County for a lecture and hands-on workshop on winter botany for landowners, landscapers, farmers, park managers, naturalists and anyone curious about trees. Participants will learn about the types of tree characters used for identification, as well as how to use free, online tools (such as dichotomous keys) from NC State University. Gain experience through both guided and individual practice identifying provided native tree samples.

The workshop costs $12 per person, which includes a 10x hand lens and light refreshments for all participants. Registration and fee payment is required by Jan.15th, 2024.

Read more at: https://chatham.ces.ncsu.edu/tree-identification-in-winter-2023/


January 16, 2024
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


N.C. Cooperative Extension, Chatham County Center


Chatham County Agriculture & Conference Center
1192 U.S. 64 Business
Pittsboro, NC 27312 United States
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