Performance Measure 5.4 Guidance for Forest Management Plans and Inspection Forms

Include the following statement in forest management plans:

The N.C. Tree Farm Program Board of Directors has determined that only the National Forests of North Carolina meet the large landscape criteria. Based on this guidance, this property does not meet the landscape scale necessary to be called a FORI.


Above is the section on the inspection form that addresses Performance Measure 5.4.
Below is guidance on how to answer each of the questions. Additional guidance is available in this section of the Tune Up Your Tree Farm Inspector Skills webinar.

PM 5.4 Which resources were consulted to determine relevance to FORI on property?

N.C. Tree Farm Program board of directors’ statement on FORI.

Are FORI relevant to the property?


(Answer No and skip the next question.)


Here are examples of comments that might be included in the Notes/Observations section:

    • The N.C. Tree Farm Program Board of Directors has determined that only National Forests of North Carolina meet the large landscape criteria of a FORI. Based on this guidance, this property is not a FORI.
    • The N.C. Tree Farm Program Board of Directors has determined that only National Forests of North Carolina meet the large landscape criteria of a FORI. The Uwharrie National Forest borders the property, but the small-scale forest management activities proposed for this property and the low intensity of planned operations pose no impact on this recognized FORI.
    • Forests of Recognized Importance was a missing section in the previous plan but has been addressed in an addendum.