
ATFS Standard 8: Harvesting Timber and Other Management Activities
Indicator 8.1.2 Landowner should engage qualified contractors who carry appropriate insurance and comply with appropriate federal, state and local safety and fair labor rules, regulations and standard practices.
Indicator 8.1.3
Landowner should retain appropriate contracts or records for forest product harvests and other management activities to demonstrate conformance to the Standards.


Tree Planting Contract Considerations (N.C. Forest Service)
While the costs of paying for tree planting and tree seedlings may at first seem high, studies have shown that investing in the planting of genetically-improved tree seedlings will reap benefits with enhanced tree growth and vigor. Consulting foresters can estimate tree planting costs and may be able to arrange for the work to be done. As in any case when you hire someone to conduct work on your forestland, it is recommended to have a written contract.

Steps to Successful Pine Planting (N.C. State Extension Forestry)
Successful pine plantings require a well-prepared site, quality seedlings, proper storage and field care of seedlings, and timely planting by a crew trained in proper planting techniques. Most landowners contract with a vendor for such tree-planting services. This note gives information on (1) key clauses to include in any tree-planting contract and (2) conditions which affect seedling survival and early growth.

What’s A Timber Sale Contract? What Landowners Need to Know (NC State Forestry Extension)
Hiring a professional forester is recommended as the development of a timber sale contract can intimidate most forest landowners. A professional forester will help guide the landowner through the timber sale process and ensure that all legal aspects of the contract are handled properly. Since timber sales typically generate a large income, most landowners should also seek the advice of an accountant and a lawyer during the process.

Your Timber Sale Contract (American Forest Foundation, My Land Plan)
Your timber sale contract is meant to protect you. It lays out the details of your agreement with your buyer and everyone’s responsibilities throughout the process, and it helps prevent miscommunications and misunderstandings. It’s essential to a successful harvest.

Timber Sale Contract Considerations (North Carolina Forest Service)
Selling timber is a major financial and legal venture for both buyer and seller, and often is only done once or twice in a forest owner’s lifetime. Therefore, it is strongly encouraged to execute a written contract for the sale of timber. Consulting foresters can estimate your timber’s value and handle your timber. The contract should be prepared or have been approved by an attorney.

Sample Timber Sale Contract (NC State Forestry Extension)
This publication provides an example of a timber sale contract for educational purposes and reminds sellers of the importance of a legal contract for selling timber – a real property asset when sold in standing condition.

Site Preparation Contract Considerations (North Carolina Forest Service)
As in any case when you hire someone to conduct work on your forestland, it is recommended to have a written contract. Consulting foresters can estimate the cost of site prep and may be able to arrange for the work to be done. The contract should be prepared or have been approved by an attorney. Doing so will protect you and the contractor.

Timber Sale Contract: Why a Written Contract is Necessary (University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension)
A written contract is necessary for a timber sale so both buyer and seller have a clear understanding of
the conditions under which the sale is made. The purpose of a written contract is to establish a
“meeting of the minds”. It is a legally binding document protecting you and the buyer by listing the
responsibilities of each. It should summarize any verbal agreements. It provides a road map for what
you are trying to accomplish.