Agencies and Organizations

Consulting Foresters

Consulting foresters must meet specific academic and professional requirements to practice forestry in North Carolina. They provide services to landowners on a fee or contractual basis.

Farm Service Agency (FSA)

The Farm Service Agency supports farms and farming communities with various services including disaster relief, conservation programs, commodity price guarantee programs and loan programs. Find your local service center here.

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

The natural resources conservation programs in North Carolina help people reduce soil erosion, enhance water supplies, improve water quality, increase wildlife habitat, and reduce damages caused by floods and other natural disasters.

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources

The North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources preserves and promotes the state’s cultural heritage. Within the Department of Cultural Resources these sections offer assistance to landowners:

  • State Historic Preservation Office provides technical restoration assistance to public and private owners of historic properties and assists owners seeking federal and state historic rehabilitation investment tax credits.
  • Office of State Archaeology furnishes professional archaeology services to government agencies, museums, school and the general public.  They work to protect and preserve archaeological sites and objects, including human burial sites.
  • State Archives identifies, preserves, and makes accessible records (such as census records, military records, family histories, and various county, state and federal records) and other documents that can help you research your special sites.
  • The Natural Heritage Program compiles data, creates maps and distributes information about rare species, natural communities and conservation sites. Their staff is available to answer information requests about rare species or specific sites.

N.C. Forest Service

The N.C. Forest Service is the state agency that helps keep North Carolina’s forests healthy, productive and beautiful. County rangers are the key contacts for the programs and services the agency offers. These include general forest management advice, preparing forest management plans, accessing cost-share programs, prescribed burning, purchasing seedlings and controlling insects and diseases. N.C. Forest Service personnel are limited in the amount and type of timber management assistance they can provide and refer many projects to consulting foresters.

N.C. State Extension

N.C. State Extension connects forest landowners and resource professionals with research-based information and technology. There are Extension agents in each county office as well as forestry staff available in the central office in Raleigh.

N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission

Wildlife biologists help landowners manage habitat to support healthy and diverse wildlife populations and/or to attract certain species to their woodlands. The Private Lands Program provides science-based management advice, wildlife disease monitoring and wildlife-related technical assistance across the state. N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission Conservation Biologists are available to work with landowners across the state.

Sustainable Forestry & Land Retention Project

The Sustainable Forestry and Land Retention Project is a joint venture of the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and the U.S. Forest Service. The program works to restore and conserve threatened forest land in Roanoke Electric Cooperative’s service area by increasing forest owner income and land asset values.