North Carolina Woodland Species

ATFS Standard 5, Performance Measure 5.2
Landowner should address the desired species and/or desired forest communities when conducting forest management activities, if consistent with landowner’s objectives.
Indicator 5.2.1
Landowner should consult available and accessible information on management of the forest for desired species and/or forest communities and integrate it into forest management.



The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recognizes 61 animal species as federally endangered or threatened that are believed to or known to occur in North Carolina. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission recognizes additional species as needing additional conservation. Many of these use a forest for some part of their habitat requirements.


Even though you often see them in your backyard, many birds also use a forest. The type forest a bird prefers depends on where it likes to nest, what it eats and how it hunts for food.


North Carolina’s forests are home to a wide variety of mammals including rabbits, bear, deer and the state mammal gray squirrel. Learn about some of these that you may find in your woodlands.

John Triana, Regional Water Authority,


Reptiles and amphibians are an important part of a woodland environment and are a good indicator of environmental health. Reptiles (alligators, snakes, lizards and turtles) have many similarities but also have some big differences. Learn about them in this section.


Pollinators are animals that move pollen between flowers of many plants, including trees, shrubs and other flowering plants. These include bees, beetles, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, wasps and flies.  Managed forests provide important habitat for pollinators as well as benefit from pollinators.