
Pollinators are animals such as butterflies, bees, hummingbirds and moths that transport pollen from one plant to another. Because of the role they play in pollination, they are critical to the productivity of agricultural crops. Managed forests, particularly those near agricultural fields, provide important habitat for pollinators. Recently burned areas as well as openings created by windfall and timber harvest provide sunny conditions where plant forage grows.

The Oregon Forest Resource Institute (OFRI) article on Pollinators and Forestry offers the follow tips on ways woodland owners can support pollinator species:

  • Manage your forests for the long-term and do not convert to a non-forest use.
  • Limit herbicide spraying and mowing beyond the shoulder of the road during the growing season.
  • Control invasive plant species.
  • Limit the use of insecticides.
  • Leave some hardwood trees, shrubs and other flowering plants in timber harvest units.
  • Leave strips of untreated vegetation during herbicide spray operations.
  • Consider spreading native seed mixes in disturbed areas that include plant species beneficial to pollinators.